65 000 years ago a highly advanced civilization was annihilated in a global cataclysm. Over the next thousands of years a new civilization slowly emerged, and the achievements and glory of old became obscure myth and legend. But the ancient knowledge was never entirely lost. Preserved by a lineage of Keepers, it has always been influencing the evolution of mankind in the hopes that, one day, humanity would finally be able to match it's great progenitor - Atlantis. Inspired by this ancient lore, Imperial Age create a musical experience which combines the energy of heavy metal with the altitude of a high fantasy blockbuster. With songs about ancient civilizations, secret magical orders and the unquenchable desire for knowledge and freedom, they remind us of one thing we all have in common: we are descendants of Ancient Gods, capable of things we can't even imagine. When times are dark, and change is everywhere, true art can become an infinite source of inner strength, empowering us to withstand hardship and carry on, looking ever forward, towards the shimmering light on the horizon... A perfect soundtrack for 2024.